Mix99.9 bought by Virgin radio - censorship?

Mix99.9, my favourite Toronto radio station, just became Virgin Radio. I've been listening to Mix on my way to and from work since about 2001. I was glad they kept the same DJs at least.

However, one of the changes with the switch to Virgin has been to Sean Kingston's song "Beautiful Girls." The song used to start:
You're way too beautiful girl
That's why it'll never work
You'll have me suicidal, suicidal
When you say it's over

Suddenly, "suicidal" has been removed and become the much weaker "in denial." I was very surprised (and disappointed) when I heard this new version on my way home from work.

Even more disappointing, I wrote to both Mad Dog and Billie, from the morning show, to ask them what was going on, and neither of them answered!

Does Virgin censor songs in general? How will I ever know if I'm hearing the real version? Guess I'm on the prowl for a new radio station. Suggestions anyone?

This page posted September 2008 and maintained by ewans (at ewan dot com, whiteword "wolf").